Losing a tooth can be very traumatic and gaps, missing teeth, or loose dentures don’t have to make you feel self-conscious or uncomfortable any longer as these can be replaced with dental implants as a fixed solution.
No. The process is designed to cause as little pain as possible. Anesthesia will be applied to the area surrounding your new tooth. For a day or two after the treatment, you might feel a little soreness around the new tooth.
When you consider the advantages of having solid, reliable teeth and a beautiful smile, implants can be viewed as an investment. With recent technological advancements, implants have become more economical, and frequently the price difference between an implant and a bridge is negligible.
If you have a missing tooth, placing a bridge will require drilling or preparation of the two teeth next to the gap in order to replace the missing tooth. The teeth on each side of the gap will be kept solid, healthy, and intact by putting an implant. Implants also help with chewing and provide a more natural appearance.
Mon: 9:00 am – 5:00pm
Tues: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Weds: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Thus: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Fri: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Sat & Sun : Closed